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Yes, we are currently accepting new patients. Contact Us at 403-517-2000 to schedule an initial appointment.
Chiropractors are primary health care providers in all Canadian provinces, meaning that no medical doctor referral is required to access Chiropractic care. Contact Us for a no-obligation consultation.
Like physicians, optometrists and dentists, Chiropractors are qualified to use the title “doctor” in Canada. Completion of an extensive Doctor of Chiropractic degree program is required.
Read more about Dr. Gary’s extensive study and credentials on our Meet Dr. Gary page.
Chiropractors are primary health care providers in all Canadian provinces, meaning that no medical doctor referral is required to access Chiropractic care. Contact Us for a no-obligation consultation.
Regular adjustments are $60. View our fees here.
During an initial exam, Dr. Gary thoroughly reviews your health history, conducts range of motion and computerized spinal scans, addresses any questions you have, develops a Custom Care Plan based on your needs and goals, and discusses your first adjustment.
Every patient is different, but it should only take a few treatments before you notice an improvement.
The initial goal is to restore you to health if you are experiencing discomfort or have an injury. Once your initial condition is resolved we work with you to develop a Custom Care Plan that works for your health needs and goals. Some people prefer to have a routine tune-up to deal with the daily stresses of life. Others will want treatment only when they experience pain.
Every Albertan is entitled to Chiropractic care when they have been involved in a motor vehicle accident or collision, regardless of who is at fault.
Did you know? According to research by White & Panjabi (in their book Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine), when a vehicle is in a collision of only 13 km/h, it results in an acceleration of 2 G force on the vehicle, but 5 G force on a driver or passenger’s head and neck (One G force is equal to an acceleration of approximately 8 meters per second). Even low-speed impacts are sufficient to cause significant misalignment and potentially permanent damage if left untreated. As well summed up in the journal Dynamic Chiropractic (Injury With Low-Speed Collisions by Jeffrey Tucker, DC, DACRB), “Car crashes happen in literally one/two eye blinks. The point is that the head and neck experience more G forces than the car in low-speed impacts.”
Dr. Gary Klaudt conducts a complete and in-depth assessment of the injuries sustained in an collision and works with patients on a Custom Care Plan to restore them to optimal health.
Dr. Gary carries a specialty in bio-mechanical reconstructive Care with extensive experience in treating whiplash, concussions, and other injuries associated with the brain.
For how long or often that you see your Chiropractor is up to you, and it depends on how much injury you have had, how long you have had it, and what quality of life you currently live or want to live.
The initial goal is to restore you to health if you are experiencing discomfort or have an injury. Once your initial condition is resolved we work with you to develop a Custom Care Plan that works for your health needs and goals. Some people prefer to have a routine tune-up to deal with the daily stresses of life. Others will want treatment only when they experience pain.
How much energy do you have? How well do you absorb the food that you eat or the water that you drink? What does your health look like in real terms, not compared to the ‘norm,’ but rather set on the standard of living with vitality in your health and longevity in your future? These factors are all significantly impacted by Chiropractic care. Read more about the full range of natural Health Benefits that Chiropractic care influences.
Regular appointments take 15 minutes or less.
An initial exam takes between 30 and 45 minutes. During an initial exam, Dr. Gary thoroughly reviews your health history, conducts range of motion and computerized spinal scans, addresses any questions you have, develops a Custom Care Plan based on your needs and goals, and discusses your first adjustment.
In general, Chiropractic adjustments do not hurt and instead often create a sensation of relief with most patients.
Certain spinal position adjustments may produce temporary discomfort which goes away quickly, but Dr. Gary advises patients of this possibility before performing these adjustments.
Dr. Gary routinely adjusts using a variety of techniques based on patients’ individual needs and comfort. As an example, very specific adjustments are made to accommodate elderly patients, babies, and those suffering from chronic pain, injuries, or motor vehicle accidents.
Our bodies respond to a variety of stresses that are placed upon us, which directly affects the muscles and bones related to our spine. Common stresses include:
- Physical stress (e.g. falls, repetitive movements, long periods of sitting, physically demanding work, sports, accidents, injuries, improper posture, etc.)
- Chemical stress (e.g. lack of proper nutrition, chemical exposure, medication side effects, etc.),
- Emotional stress (e.g. work-related pressure, family issues, interpersonal conflict, busy schedules, trauma, etc.)
Our bodies absorb and store these stresses in various regions. Since the spine is responsible for supporting the structure of our entire body, it is directly impacted by the various areas of our bodies that experience stress, causing a host of other symptoms and health issues that you may not even be aware of. See a list of the Body Regions Impacted by Misalignment of specific vertebrae.
Chiropractic care is widely recognized as one of the safest, non-invasive natural health treatment options available for a variety of body stress-related illnesses, ailments, and diseases.
Read more about the full range of natural Health Benefits that Chiropractic care influences.
Pregnancy can be one of the most important times to be adjusted because of the hormonal, emotional, physical, and physiological stresses that a mother’s body undergoes during this time. Gestational hormones in the mother’s body also make her musculoskeletal system (muscles and bones) more supple and receptive to adjustments in a positive way for both her and the baby.
The development of a baby in the womb is a process controlled by the neurological system of the mother. Optimizing the communication of a mom’s central nervous system can have profound positive impacts on the development of a baby.
Infant and toddler adjustments can be some of the most effective adjustments of any age group. Issues can be detected and corrected early before their bodies have a chance to develop compensation techniques. Chiropractic care is widely recognized as one of the safest, non-invasive natural health treatment options available and is proven to be gentle, safe, and effective for children’s health.
Dr. Gary Klaudt has worked with animals since 1989, assessing horses, dogs, and cats. Scientific research supports Chiropractic adjustments to correct neuromuscular conditions.
Any creature with a spine can benefit from Chiropractic care!

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